
Useful tips
The snowmobiling season is from January 20 to March 25.
You can head directly from the Station to the Uapishka (Groulx) Mountains.
Temperatures normally range around -30°C. As the weather in the mountains can change quickly, it is advisable to check the forecast before leaving. It can be extremely cold, with temperatures plunging to -55°C, especially in January.
You must be accompanied by a guide duly certified by the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP).
When booking your accommodation, we will also book a certified guide who is a member of the Association des motoneigistes du Nord.
Maximum group of 6 people
Rate: Minimum $750.00/day (a fuel surcharge may apply)
Mandatory equipment
Engine kill switch
Protection equipment (helmet with a visor or glasses)
Two-way radio (walky-talky)
Whistle, small folding saw, lighter, headlamp or flares
Functional front and rear snowmobile lights
Spark plugs and back-up belt
Any modified parts of a snowmobile’s muffler are strictly prohibited (CQLR Chap. V-1.2).
There is always a risk of avalanche. You must have an avalanche kit including a beacon, shovel and probe (We rent some for $20/day).
Covering almost a third of the mountain range, the Uapishka Biodiversity Reserve is a protected area under the Natural Heritage Conservation Act. Motorized traffic is prohibited in the mountain summits area (>800 metres in altitude) due to its potential negative impact on alpine tundra flora, caribou and wildlife in general.
As an exception, a regulatory protocol allows motorized traffic in the summits area of the Uapishka Biodiversity Reserve, under restrictive conditions. Snowmobilers must travel within a specific circuit and be accompanied by a guide who is duly certified by the MELCC. This protocol is subject to an annual monitoring and updating program and can be revoked at any time. All snowmobilers who make use of it must become familiar with the provisions in effect and are required to comply with them.
The Uapishka (Groulx) mountain range includes about 30 tops over 1,000 metres high. It is the sixth highest mountain range and the third largest in terms of alpine area in Quebec. It is one of the rare mountain ranges of this size in Quebec to remain a wild, untouched area!
A true paradise for powder snow enthusiasts, the Uapishka (Groulx) Mountains territory is considered as the finest place in Quebec for off-trail snowmobiling. From open snowmobiling to treeriding , you will enjoy endless hours of fun and snow galore. The limitation on the number of snowmobilers on the mountain provides a certain exclusivity to fully experience the landscape!
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Article 1
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Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert
Uapishka Mountains
From $750/group (1 guide)
Maximum of 6 people per guide
Duration: A day