Research in Short
The Uapishka Station is the only research station in Quebec to be dedicated to the enhancement of scientific knowledge as well as the development of ecotourism, in a natural and cultural heritage setting. The Station is located in an untamed, remote area, yet it is easily accessed by the Route 389 to welcome a range of clientele (affiliated universities, students, government bodies, etc.).
Domaines de recherche
Les domaines de recherche sont aussi variés que pertinents dans la région, très peu étudiée, de la Station Uapishka. En voici quelques exemples :
Environnement :
Espèces fauniques en péril
Intégrité des écosystèmes nordiques
Forêt boréale
Changements climatiques
Sciences humaines et sociales :
Présence millénaire des Premières Nations
Existence de sites culturels et patrimoniaux
Gestion intégrée des ressources du territoire et harmonisation des usages (occupation et utilisation du territoire par les Pessamiulnuat et présence d’activités forestières, minières, commerciales et touristiques)

Addressing Innu and environmental concerns
Owing to its strategic location and the unique subarctic and boreal geographic characteristics of its research environment, the Uapishka Station is positioned as a key partner to address key issues in terms of climate change, biodiversity decline, northern development and present-day stewardship of Nitassinan.
To find out more about the Uapishka Station’s affiliated networks and partners, please click here.
To find out more about the weather station and weather conditions, please click here.
The Uapishka Station is engaged in the development of a basic research and monitoring program by putting forth efforts in line with the Pessamiulnu vision of Nitassinan and its forest. As part of a territory designated a biosphere reserve by UNESCO, the Uapishka Station aims to meet regional commitments regarding the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems and species through education, research and ongoing monitoring.
Furthermore, these efforts are in keeping with the spirit of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change at the international level and are a welcome contribution to achieving the United Nations’ sustainable development objectives.