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Vue de haut de Station Uapishka


Enough distinctive to be clearly visible from space, the Uapishka Station sector immerses you into the vastness of the North. Discovering this exceptional territory requires good preparation. Do not hesitate to consult the maps below to plan your stay.

Click here to download the general map of Uapishka station and its surroundings.

Detailed map of the Uapishka (Groulx) Mountains | Expert level

The data is specially prepared for navigation: official trails, infrastructure, precalculated declination, UTM grids, MGRS coordinates, metric contours.

To get this professional waterproof topographic map, contact GC Geomatics at, via Facebook or at 819-674-9203.

Carte du Nitassinan

Carte territoire de recherche

Uapishka Biodiversity Reserve | Authorized Area for Guided Snowmobile

MAP 2023

Interactive map

Use the tool below to navigate the territory, using the two tabs at the top (Biodiversity Reserve, Uapishka Station, Campsites) and the buttons to specify the desired level of enlargement. 

Avalanche Terrain Ratings Maps

These maps are intended for anyone who visits the Uapishka (Groulx) mountains in winter, whether on foot, skis, snowshoes or snowmobile. They classify routes and terrain according to the severity of avalanche risk into three categories: simple, demanding and complex. Please note that the informations on the maps are in French.

Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scales (ATES)

This table is based on the public communication model developed by Parks Canada.

Simple - 1
Exposure to low angle or primarily forested terrain. Sorne forest openings may involve the runout zones of infrequent avalanches. Many options to reduce or eliminate exposure.
Challenging - 2
Exposure to well-defined avalanche paths, starting zones or terrain traps; options exist to reduce or eliminate exposure with careful routefinding.
Complex - 3
Exposure to multiple overlapping avalanche paths or large expanses of steep, open terrain; multiple avalanche starting zones and terrain traps below; minimal options to reduce exposure.

DISCLAIMER: These maps and the information they contain are provided to help you plan your mountain outing. However, we cannot guarantee their accuracy. It is your responsibility to take the necessary measures to ensure your safety (see Safety) at all times and in all conditions. 

For more information, visit the Avalanche Québec website.

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MAP of the Road 389

MAP of the Road 389
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