Where rules are co-created by users
A bit of theory... Everything that concerns snowmobiling in the Uapishka (Groulx) Mountains comes from the guidelines of a management committee representing the interests of hikers and snowmobilers. This committee is governed by the Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MELCC), which mandates the Manicouagan-Uapishka World Biosphere Reserve (MWBR) to host the committee. The Uapishka Station is represented on this committee, as a reception and lodging site for the Groulx Mountains sector enthusiasts, but also as a strategically positioned stakeholder to make users aware of the regulations in force and the exceptionality and fragility of this protected area.
In practice, one can easily imagine the snowmobiler in search of thrills and the snowshoer in search of absolute tranquility, both sitting to a good "comfort food" meal concocted by David at the Uapishka Station. An unlikely combination, you might ask? Not at all! Rather, it is a great opportunity to have passionate conversations about how to enjoy the mountain in harmony.
At the end of the day, the passion for the territory is what unites all of the Station's customers, regardless of the purpose of their visit. To clear your mind (or fill it up, depending on the purpose), to feel out of place in a territory where you can feel alone in the world, to enjoy the great outdoors... Everyone agrees that the Uapishka (Groulx) Mountains are areal jewel, and even the annual sacred destination for some. With a little openness, communication and compromise, the rules of the game become easy to understand and our collective playground remains accessible, safe and preserved. It is as simple as that!